Tuesday, 09 April 2013 01:11

Burning Love

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Many times I thought about my Patron Saint! His humility and dedication was amazing. He taught service and courage. You could feel very safe beside Him. Usually my imagination presented Him in military colors. Litanies called Him: Satan’s conqueror, terror of evil spirits, fearless in battle against evil, and prince of choirs of angels. I saw him with a glossy sword, with triumphant or hardy look- as artist’s brush allowed. I was amazed how He trampled Satan yowling in ablaze. Sometimes internal tension arose and I asked: how to come to terms with someone being so close to One who is called Love, while striking the enemy in the head at the same time? Can admiration be born on rubble of war even if it was victorious one? Yes it can. I think shortly after Lucifer in his "non serviam" became disobedient to God, a dialog took place between Creator and St. Michael the Archangel, similar to the one between Jesus and Peter after his betrayal: Do you love me more than he does? My Creator, my Father, You know that I love You! WHO IS LIKE GOD! St. Michael the Archangel was filled with love. He brings that love to us, love which Satan doesn’t know at all. We all know that fire is not always the fire of anger. Everlasting fire, hottest than one in Hell, is burning in Heaven - It is God himself. He is love. He is like an abyss of never-ending love. (That’s why angels standing closest to God Bible calls Seraphims, from Hebrew “those, in flames”). Everything has its beginning and end in love. When Lucifer screams in ablaze and hopeless grimace distorts his trap it is not due to tension from Prince of the Angels’ foot or because of fear at his spear hanging over his head. Flame burns his works; furthermore, everything what is left turns into worthlessness - despair and emptiness remains and continues to immerge in a deeper hate. Georges Bernanos in his book “Diary of a country priest” describes priest attempting desperately to change life of the countess, who is upset with God. He wants to win over obstinacy in her hart after loss of her child. After a while he convinced her with one quote: "Hell, my dear, means-impossible to love." To be the true follower of St. Michael means to mark your way of life with love”. Fr. Joseph Morawski, CSMA
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