This weekend our parish and school of St. Clare of Montefalco started the week of prayer for Catholic schools. This National Catholic Schools Week is the annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. Our Sunday Mass was led…
During the week of October 20th and 27th, 2013, Queen of Peace Church in Sarnia, Ontario was home of the Pilgrimage of the statue of St. Michael the Archangel from Gargano, Italy. From Tuesday until Saturday, we were further honored…
Michaelites do not give rest St. Michael the Archangel. It was not enough that a true copy of the famous figure of Archangel pilgrimage in Europe. Recently worshipers of St. Michael from Canada and the U.S. may experience a special…
Youth group “J-Walkers” was on a Pilgrimage to Rome and Italy. They spend over two weeks visiting Vatican, Holy City and other shrines in Italy. Despite the fact that this adventure ended too soon it gave a lot more than…
In the summer time our communities in Canada visited the honourable Guests. From Poland came to us Father Robert Ryndak - responsible for the formation of candidates in our Congregation and Fathers Grzegorz Okarma and Jan Król from Puerto Rico.…
Golden Jubilee Congratulations to Sr. Kathy Avery, the principal of St. Clare Catholic School, on the occasion of her 50th anniversary of religious life. Our Sunday, June 9th 11:00 Mass was beautiful, and a great tribute to Sister. It truly…