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Sunday, 17 March 2013 20:43

Golden Jubilee in Lucan

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On the beautiful sunny evening of May 6, the community gathered in Lucan, Ontario to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of our Canadian delegation. Fr. Dariusz Lewandowski, CSMA, pastor at St. Patrick’s, invited the whole parish to join us in this thanksgiving celebration that folled with coffee and jubilee cake. Fr. Dariusz presided at the Mass, Fr. Andrew gave the homily and Fr. Wladyslaw Krukar, Fr. Ted Kowalczyk, Fr. Matthew Sobierajski, and Fr. Jacek Kokosa were the concelebrants. Br. Janusz Kolbusz assisted Fr. Wladyslaw in the sanctuary. This celebration coincided with Fr. Dariusz’s birthday and the 8th anniversary of his ordination. As of now we have visited Sarnia, St. Thomas and now Lucan with our Jubilee celebrations. In September we will visit London and Toronto.

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