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Friday, 14 June 2013 02:53

Golden Jubilee

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Golden Jubilee Congratulations to Sr. Kathy Avery, the principal of St. Clare Catholic School, on the occasion of her 50th anniversary of religious life. Our Sunday, June 9th 11:00 Mass was beautiful, and a great tribute to Sister. It truly was a great Magnificat sung by her religious congregation. God has done great things for our school, our parish, and our communities through the vocation and ministry of St. Kathy. The presence of Bishop F. Reiss and Fr. David Brecht, fromer pastro of St. Calre, Sisters and Associates of Servaites of Mary, former students and children’s choir, and so many people at the Mass added a special flavor to this celebration. Thank you to the many people who contributed their time, talent, and resources to organize the Gala in the parish hall in honor of Sister – especially the School Commission, the PTO, and Knights of Columbus, who made and decorated the spectacular cakes. The celebration of last Sunday was truly a manifestation of God’s love and continued invitation to follow him in the ways of different vocations. Let us continue to pray for vocations from our parish. Sister Kathy – Ad Multos Annos!
Read 20662 times Last modified on Tuesday, 10 September 2013 17:01