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Blessed Father Bronislaw Markiewicz (1842-1912) was the teacher of orphans, neglected children and youth, a student of St. John Bosco, a prophet and writer, as well as the founder of the Congregations of Saint Michael the Archangel. January, 2012 marks the hundredth anniversary of his death. Today more than 500 of his spiritual daughters and sons spread the Good News in almost all the continents of the world. Fr. Markiewicz sent coworkers to North America so that they could spread his work there during the course of his life. Thanks to God’s Providence, July, 2012 marks 50 years of service by the Michaelite Fathers on Canadian soil. Today twelve Michaelites work in the Dioceses of London and Toronto.

The occasion of the passing of a century since the blessed death of our founder, as well as the passing of half a century since the moment when Father Bartlomiej Slawinski officially brought the Congregation to the Diocese of London, have become for us occasions of celebration and thanksgiving for God’s great work which has occurred over the passing years. We also give thanks for the graces and signs of Providence, which were gifts to previous generations. It’s a time of great joy in the communities of sisters and priests.

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