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The Congregation

The Congregation of Saint Michael the Archangel (C.S.M.A.), also known as the Michaelite Fathers, is a community of brothers and priests who choose Jesus Christ as the primary object of their love and the example to follow. The apostolic activity of the Congregation concentrates on the ethical and educational teaching of children and youths who are neglected both morally and materially.

We run several orphanages and oratories, which provide children with professional help in learning, assistance as they grow up and oftentimes, a simple meal. This help takes place at numerous summer and winter holiday camps and events and is supported by various groups and programs, which exist in our parishes.

We help by teaching religion, the gospel and by our priestly service. In our work we strive to bring God's Word to people whose religious lives have been neglected and whose courage and self-denial need to be strengthened. We try to teach prudence, persistence and diligence in work. We do our best to show the value and the beauty of a life in which God is most important.

We also run a publishing house called "Wydawnictwo Michaelineum". At present our Congregation has 347 members, comprised of 262 priests, 6 deacons, 19 brothers, 50 seminarians and 10 novices. Fourteen priests, nine seminarians, one brother and two novices come from other countries. 


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